Beau Zumbusch

Buffalo, MN
BFA™ - Behavioral Financial Advisor
Founding Advisor Partner


Beau Zumbusch

Beau started in the financial industry after seeing how his own financial plan was used to achieve his financial goals, he quickly developed a passion for helping others achieve the same financial freedom. Partnering with Dave Ramsey’s SmartVestor program provided the opportunity to assist those clients passionate about their finances. Today, Beau focuses on helping clients create sound financial plans that work to achieve their financial goals considering all areas of their life. Social Security filing strategies is a specialty of Beau's working to create the optimal filing strategy for each client.

Beau started in the financial and insurance industry in 2012. In 2020, Beau made the transition to an independent fiduciary financial advisor to be able to offer clients greater resources. He works with clients to achieve the financial goals with processes & investments that align with their values.

In 2012 Beau married his wife Brooke. They have three children. Brooke has a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Special Education and serves the Buffalo and Annandale School Districts. She also enjoys staying home with their children. In their free time they enjoy serving at their Church, enjoying the outdoors, biking, fishing, and making maple syrup. Beau also enjoys hunting, trap shooting, and reloading in his free time.

Beau has an Associates degree in Accounting and a Bachelors in Finance. Beau is a fiduciary and holds the Behavioral Financial Advisor designation and is continuing his education to better serve his clients.

Beau has proudly served on the Buffalo Chamber board for the last several years and is currently the treasurer for the Chamber. Beau holds the series 7 and series 66 licenses. He enjoys giving back to the community by teaching financial classes in the community.


Inspire Advisors

Biblically Responsible Investing

Many investors are surprised to learn they are profiting from and supporting immoral activities such as abortion, pornography, and human trafficking within their investment portfolios. At Inspire Advisors, we help you invest in some of the most inspiring, positive, biblically-aligned companies in the world without sacrificing return potential.

Data-driven Investment Strategies

Excellence in investing is one of our core values. Our team of Ph.D.'s and CFAs build rigorously designed portfolios based on peer-reviewed, academic research to address a wide range of investment objectives. Our proprietary Inspire Impact Score Methodology is trusted by investors around the world to provide a reliable, scientific approach to constructing quality portfolios that support biblical values.

Real Impact

At Inspire Advisors, your portfolio can make a tangible impact in three ways: (1) influencing Wall Street by supporting good companies and selling bad ones; (2) providing a powerful voice to corporate America on behalf of biblical values through Inspire's shareholder engagement efforts; and, (3) through Inspire Investing's Give50 program, which donates 50% or more of their corporate net profits to Christian ministries.

Client resources

Investment Team

W. Andrew Stoner
VP | Portfolio Strategy & Research
read bio +
Dr. Erik Davidson, CFA
Chief Economic Advisor
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Client Service Team

Geoffrey Vodegel
Client Service Manager
Meredith Bales
Client Service Specialist
Kyrie Chandler
Client Service Specialist
Beth Williams
Client Service Specialist

Compliance & Operations

Jessica Goodrich
Senior Compliance Specialist

I look forward to talking to you.

Please send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Beau Zumbusch

Why Work With An Inspire Advisor

Let an Inspire Advisor guide you through one of the most important and complicated relationships in your life.

Be cared for, not controlled.

In your relationship with money, you are the boss. At least, you should be. Unfortunately, many times we can find ourselves out of control in this relationship, playing slave to the demands and stresses that money can place on us. Instead of acting on purpose, you react on impulse. Instead of telling your money where to go, you wonder where it went.

The usual culprits of this dilemma are fear and possessiveness. When you are afraid, you are allowing money to have control over you and you make bad decisions. When you are possessive, you are allowing money to have control over you and you make bad decisions. The dangers of fear and possessiveness in relationship to financial decisions have been understood for ages, even being taught in the Bible which says, “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap” (Ecclesiastes 11:4) and, “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).

The key to having control in your relationship with money is being confident instead of fearful, and generous instead of possessive. Only when you are confidently generous in your money relationship do you truly have control over your money. That is real financial freedom.

Your Inspire Advisor can help you take control of your money relationship by making a plan and shooting for your goals. As your trusted guide, your Inspire Advisor is there to help you walk in confidence, avoiding the pitfalls of fear and possessiveness. Discussing your financial worries and hopes with your Inspire Advisor helps keep things in perspective and allows you to put together realistic plans to solve problems and capitalize on opportunities.

Worried about running out of money in retirement? Your Inspire Advisor can help. Excited about a potential stock investment, real estate purchase or sending your child to a great school? Your Inspire Advisor can help there, too.

When you are in control of your money relationship, your finances can do what they are supposed to do: care for your needs and the needs of others. Let an Inspire Advisor help you take control, make a plan and shoot for your goals today. 

Be proud of the investments you own.

Have you heard about that great stock your uncle Buck invested in? What about Dave the plumber and his favorite mutual funds? Or how about Jim’s 401(k) that he’s always talking about around the water cooler at work?

It seems a lot of people are proud of the investments they own. What about you?

But what if we added some information to the equation…

What if Uncle Buck told you, “You should check out this company — I bought their stock at $7 and now it is at $20. They sell cigarettes to kids and I’m making a killing. It’s awesome.”

Or if Dave The Plumber said, “Gosh, I love my mutual funds. They are doing so well. They help me diversify my portfolio between human trafficking, labor exploitation and dirty supply chains. You should really check them out.”

And what if Jim At The Water Cooler mentioned, “You should look at the growth fund we’ve got in the 401(k). It invests in companies that specialize in predatory lending and destroying the environment. It’s a great space to be invested in right now.”

Would they still be proud to own their investments? Would you?

For many people, investing is just a means to an end. You need to retire someday, so you invest money in your 401(k) because you know it is supposed to grow over time and allow you to be financially secure in your old age. Or you might put some money away in a college savings plan and invest it in some mutual funds hoping to see it grow and ease the burden of paying for a good school for your child.

But do you really understand what is going on inside your investment portfolio? Where does your money go? And, perhaps more importantly, where do your profits come from?

When you invest in stocks — whether that is through a retirement account like a 401(k) or IRA, a mutual fund or just buying individual company stocks directly in a brokerage account — you become an owner of that company. You might be a very, very small percentage owner, but you are an owner nonetheless, and with ownership comes responsibility.

If you owned a business in your local town, would you want to make sure that it was only making money in ethical and moral ways? If your business was a grocery store and you found out that your employees were selling cigarettes to children, would you be upset? Would you even sell cigarettes to anyone at all in the first place?

When you invest, you need to ask yourself the same questions of responsibility. And thankfully, good returns and good values are not mutually exclusive. Research from The University of Oxford and other prestigious institutions indicate that while past performance is no guarantee of future results, investments in ethical, responsible companies offered improved returns compared to investments in companies with poor track records of ethical responsibility.

Your Inspire Advisor can help you invest in quality companies that are doing good around the world, like fighting cancer, cleaning water and operating with high ethical and moral standards, while also working toward your financial goals. And with our sister company, Inspire Investing’s Give50 program, the impact you can make is multiplied.

These are investments you can really be proud to own.

Be confident in your financial future.

Nobody likes to make mistakes. But when it comes to making mistakes with your financial life, things can get downright scary.

Small decisions like, “Should I put away 3% or 5% toward my 401(k) every month?”, or, “Should I pay off debt first or contribute to my retirement account?”, can make a big difference when added up over your lifetime.

And some decisions can have a big impact right away, such as, “How can I best prepare to sell my business?”, or, “Should I take a loan against my 401(k) to buy a house?”

It can be easy to slip into worry and fear over decisions like these because they have the potential to make or break your financial future. But when it comes to your money relationship, fear is one of the surest ways to make a financial blunder. Fear clouds your judgement and makes you do things that you might regret later on.

Surround yourself with allies who can help guide you on the right path. As a wise man once said, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22). Your Inspire Advisor can help you think clearly about your options and give you trusted, expert advice so that you can feel confident in your most important financial decisions. 

Information on this website does not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but is limited to the dissemination of general information on products and services. A professional adviser should be consulted before implementing any of the options presented. The information presented is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed.

The firm only transacts business in states where it is properly registered or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration as an investment advisor does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators nor does it indicate that the advisor has attained a particular level of skill or ability.

Different types of investment involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will either be suitable or profitable for a client's investment portfolio. No client or prospective client should assume that any information presented and/or made available on this Website serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from the adviser or any other investment professional.

National Admin Office: 3597 E Monarch Sky Ln, Suite 330 Meridian, ID 83646; Phone: (877) 859-6383 Investment advisory services offered through Inspire Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor registered with the SEC.

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